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The nature of prophecies including those of Edgar Cayce, is that they are usually stated in vague or confusing language that seems far more significant after the fact. At the bottom is the vague feeling that it is man's own self-directed mysterious energy that is at work, however much it needs to be reinforced from without. It was therefore surprising when, in 1877, Simon Newcomb found, by a study of the lunar eclipses handed down by Ptolemy and those observed by the Arabians - data much more reliable than the vague accounts of ancient solar eclipses - that the actual apparent acceleration was only about 8.3". At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking. As he well perceived, the popularity of his name, the vague "legend" of a Napoleon who was at once a democrat, a soldier and a revolutionary hero, was his only strength. Greece for her part had a minor objective in Epirus - a region of which the northern limit was vague - and as a major objective Salonika and the Aegean littoral beyond, not to mention more remote objects in Asia Minor. This whole prophecy, which is perhaps the most interesting in the Book of Daniel, presents problems which can never be thoroughly understood, first because the author must have been ignorant of both history and chronology, and secondly, because, in his effort to be as mystical as possible, he purposely made use of indefinite and vague expressions which render the criticism of the passage a most unsatisfactory task. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. The seven earlier ones are all more or less obsolescent, and their very number shows that the meaning of the word was very vague. The "Shires" is a recognized term, but is nevertheless somewhat vague. I live with pain (73) He is always vague about his intentions. The mention of Israel on the stele of Merenptah, discovered by Petrie in 1896 (" Israel [Ysirael] is desolated; its seed [or] is not "), is too vague and indefinite in its terms to throw any light on the question of the Exodus. The week after this I noticed she was very emotional and became vague. No very great reliance can be placed upon the figures relating to turnips (which include swedes), as these are mostly fed to sheep on the ground, so that the estimates as to yield are necessarily vague. People who go to the gym with a vague idea along the lines of, "Uh, I think I'll do chest today," tend to end up with a lot of bench presses, little variation, and no clue why they're getting so-so results. The explanation of this is that the plebeians had long been organized, like the patricians, in genies, and nothing remained distinctive of the old nobility except a vague sense of dignity and worth. After reading the sentence and analyzing its pronouns, we can answer in the following manner:. A JUDGE has refused to ban a drug addict from carrying drug paraphernalia on the grounds the definition is too vague. Don't make vague goals, make them specific. Roughly speaking, Phrygia comprised the western part of the great central plateau of Anatolia, extending as far east as the river Halys; but its boundaries were vague, 2 and varied so much at different periods that a sketch of its history must precede any account of the geography. Beyond the XIIth Dynasty estimates must again be vague rhe spacing of the years on the Palermo stone has given rise to some calculations for the early dynasties. Its terms were not " all left too vague ". She wore a tee shirt with no bra, perhaps in some vague attempt to emulate Penny, but with only a fraction of the appropriate equipment. He returned to Switzerland in July 1788, cherishing vague schemes of fresh literary activity; but genuine sorrow caused by the death of his friend Deyverdun interfered with steady work, nor was it easy for him to fix on a new subject which should be at once congenial and proportioned to his powers; while the premonitory mutterings of the great thunderstorm of the French Revolution, which reverberated in hollow echoes even through ' An anonymous pamphlet, entitled Observations on the three last volumes of the Roman History, appeared in 1788; Disney's Sermon, with Strictures, in 1790; and Whitaker's Review, in 1791. Early in 18 20 a revolutionary movement was set on foot, and vague plans of combined risings all over Italy and a war with Austria were talked of. The expression " substantial similarity " is still, however, sufficiently vague to cover a multitude of views. The Pharisees were occupied with the piecemeal realization of the dreams of their supposed opponents, which gain a vague glory from their being far off. In the autumn of 73 Lucullus marched to Cabeira or Neocaesarea, where the king had gone into winter quarters with a vague hope that his son-in-law, Tigranes, king of Armenia, and possibly even the Parthians, might come to his aid. : Local television and radio news had exhausted the few vague details of the crime with countless updates and telecasts. And this movement of reconstruction of which Prince Andrew had a vague idea, and Speranski its chief promoter, began to interest him so keenly that the question of the army regulations quickly receded to a secondary place in his consciousness. While most of the information about the treatment options is very vague, there are some considerations to make if you are near the region. The story of two Venetians, Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, who gave a vague account of voyages in the northern seas in the end of the 13th century, is no longer to be accepted as history. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. The result, since the feudal and ecclesiastical systems had become closely interwoven, aiid the frontier between the religious and secular spheres must ever be vague and undefined, was the conflict between the spiritual and temporal powers which, for two centuries to come, was to tear Europe into warring factions (see the articles CHURCH HIsToRY; PAPACY; INVESTITURE). On the next topic of importance, the primacy of the pope, the project of union nearly suffered shipwreck; but here a vague formula was finally constructed which, while acknowledging the pope's right to govern the church, attempted to safeguard as well the rights of the patriarchs. Vague ideas of the existence of the river were possessed by the ancients. Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note of vague irritation. What is a vague pronoun? D) All of the tables in the cafeteria had been turned over by them. Lacing moves around from the front to the back, but the corset look on dresses stays in style and nearly always has a vague throwback to this peasant look, even if it's a high-style designer dress. Within two months of Charles's death he had yielded to the impetuosity of Argyll and others of the exiles and to vague invitations from England. Their religion is the worship of spirits, ancestral and otherwise, accompanied by a vague and undefined belief in a Supreme Being, generally regarded as indifferent to the doings of the people. ; they are intelligible and trustworthy from 611 B.C. After the third question, the board spelled out O-P-E-N-Y-O-U-G-I-V-E. HiHiHis own messengers brought him vague news of unrest from the battlefront and news of there being new opponents at the battle. I did have a vague idea of what the story might center on, but it was very unformed. The watchfulness of the court was, however, aroused, and on the discovery of the Rye House Plot, Sidney, who had always been regarded in a vague way as dangerous, was arrested while at dinner on the 26th of June 1683. At the eleventh hour he attempted to retrieve his mistake by vague promises of amendment, chiefly because all the opposition groups, above all Sagasta and the Liberals, announced their intention of adopting much the same programme as the National Union. Well, you won't do better than the Nouvelle Vague compilation. Up to this period all was vague conjecture. The Koran, the sole authentic authority in all matters, legal or civil, never accurately distinguished between the sheikh and the cadi, and its phrases, besides, are vague and capable of admitting different and even opposite interpretations. But as the measureless and endless had been the prime cause of the motion into separate existences and individual forms, so also, according to the just award of destiny, these forms would at an appointed season suffer the vengeance due to their earlier act of separation, and return into the vague immensity whence they had issued. I have only a vague recollection of either game. Though they are vague terms that encompass many areas of your business, once you pinpoint what they mean for your success you will watch your bottom line rise. Medieval writers contain nothing of interest on the subject, and the speculations of the earliest of the modern evolutionists, such as C. Bonnet, were too vague to be of value. At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour. Do n't try to distract us with vague promises of " lists of extremists " upon which your name will not be found. Litigation in the yarn trade is very unusual, and Lancashire traders generally have only vague notions of the bearing of law upon their transactions, and a wholesome dread of the exp'erience that would lead to better knowledge. In June 1127, William, duke of Apulia, grandson of Robert Guiscard, died childless, having apparently made some vague promise of the succession to Roger. He had adopted the vague title of the " Son of Man," but had refrained from proclaiming Himself as the expected Messiah. You may feel a vague sense of weakness or fatigue. It's much like tying shoes; you could tell someone how to do it, and they might have a vague idea. His vague dualism works a very distinct advance upon the crude hylozoism of the early Ionians (see Atom), and the criticisms of Plato and Aristotle show how highly his work was esteemed. Examples of Vague in a sentence. Because Jason suffered a brain injury, he does not remember his childhood and has only a vague memory of his family. Rather than being vague and general, create customized objectives for each opening, or at least each type of job you are applying for. S for Specific - Vague goals will not help you. If you leave him any sort of message, make it short and very simple, and VAGUE. For now, the press release, included below the cut, remains fairly vague about the whole project. 1040 252 I don't have a vague recollection of either game. However, Nintendo's official stance on the subject is that his past is purposefully kept vague. It is, however, as vague as it is violent, and it does not seem to have had any effect. Teachers of the deaf proved a priori that what Miss Sullivan had done could not be, and some discredit was reflected on her statements, because they were surrounded by the vague eloquence of Mr. Anagnos. Popular scents frequently combined with apple fragrances include vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, and spice, and these aroma blends may be labeled with more vague titles, such as "Autumn Harvest" or "Country Fall" instead of apple names. The Fastest thing Alive has a rather vague and suggestive back-story with a plethora of variations available as to his exact origin and location. But however vague and uncertain might be the meaning of Hoadly in regard to several of the important bearings of the questions around which he aroused discussion, he was explicit in denying the power of the Church over the conscience, and its right to determine the condition of men in relation to the favour of God. sentence using "vague" (71) You could just see vague blobs of faces. Thereafter there occur vague references to Chryse in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, &c., but the earliest trace of anything resembling first-hand knowledge concerning the peninsula of Indo-China and Malaya is revealed in the writings of Ptolemy, whose views were mainly derived from those of his predecessor Marinus of Tyre, who in his turn drew his deductions from information supplied to him by the mariner Alexander who, there is every reason to think, had himself voyaged to the Malay Peninsula and beyond. In many cases indeed an image even of a most familiar scene is exceedingly vague and inaccurate. This turned out to be vague aspirations to grow the Fife economy. This is not the case with vague predicates like hot, or tall. Anti-Taurus is a term of rather vague and doubtful application. If quoting from a study; do not use 'some studies suggest' as it is a vague reference, but rather cite the specific study and link to it if appropriate. Some, for instance, may consider that the chamois and the so-called white goat of the Rocky Mountains are entitled to be included in the group; but this is not the view held by the authors of the Book of Antelopes referred to below; and, as a matter of fact, the term is only a vague designation for a number of more or less distinct groups of hollow-horned ruminants which do not come under the designation of cattle, sheep or goats; and in reality there ought to be a distinct English groupname for each subfamily into which "antelopes" are subdivided. and Vague comments prevent other guys from getting to know you. 714 294 If the answers to your questions sound vague, ask for clarification. In other words, the somewhat vague sense of spiritual power and impressiveness hardened into the conception of sacred books united in a sacred volume. B) Eric was always late for class, and it drove his teacher crazy. Our earlier notices of Sicily, of Sicels and Sicans, in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and legendary. In order to be of assistance to his brother Charles, who was then campaigning in Scotland, Henry was despatched in the summer of 1745 to France, where he was placed in nominal command of French troops at Dunkirk, with which the marquis d'Argenson had some vague idea of invading England. Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God. A vague pronoun is one whose antecedent in a sentence is not clear.In other words, we do not know to whom the pronoun refers. This is illustrated by the difficulties inherent in the conception of Cause, Space, Time, Matter, Motion, the Infinite, and the Absolute, and by the" relativity of knowledge,"which precludes knowledge of the Unknowable, since" all thinking is relationing. Long before the Protestant revolt, simple, obscure people, under the influence of leaders whose names have been forgotten, lost confidence in the official clergy and their sacraments and formed secret organizations of which vague accounts are found in the reports of the 13th-century inquisitors, Rainerus Sacchoni, Bernard Gui, and the rest. His doctrine at that date appears to have been very vague; he seemingly rejected the invocation of saints and also second marriages, and preached penitence. It was in substance a compromise effected between those who wished for a centralized government and those who desired to leave very wide powers to the component states; and many subsequent difficulties arose from the omission to settle certain, points, and from the somewhat vague language in which other points were referred to. Alfurese, a vague term meaning in the mouths of the natives little else than non-Mahommedan, has been more particularly applied by Dutch philologists to the native speech of certain tribes in Celebes. The interesting parallels between the Babylonian Marduk (Merodach) god of light and Christ as a world saviour are ingeniously set forth by Zimmern in K.A.T., 3rd ed., pp. Moreover, the end or ideal of the practical life was conceived of in too vague a way to be of much practical use. There is a vague liberal notion about letting people have what they want. Don't give them a lot of rules to follow, just give them craft supplies and a vague idea of something to do if they need guidance. This extension of Arab influence was accompanied by vague claims on the part of the sultan of Zanzibar to include all these newly opened countries in his empire. The loose aggregation of agricultural households gives place t o the organized community with new needs and new g y ideals, and at the same time in religious thought the old vague notion of the numen is almost universally superseded by the more definite conception of the dens - not even now quite anthropomorphic, but with a much more clearly realized personality. Accordingly on the 16th of November he sent a vague and unsatisfactory reply to the allies; and though Caulaincourt (who now replaced Maret as foreign minister) was on the 2nd of December charged to give a general assent to their terms, yet that assent came too late. If you write a bland or vague objective, you are not really saying anything that will make you stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. In other words, vague pronouns can cause confusion as they do not refer to a specific noun in the sentence. Though it is great to say "I want to succeed," succeed is such a vague term and can mean anything from finding your first client to owning a billion dollar corporation. But the teaching of the Bible is not systematic, and the authority of consciousness is vague; while the creeds into which Church tradition crystallizes emerge out of long theological discussions. Even Jeremy Bentham, restive under appeals to vague and intangible standards, breaks out in despairing indignation against the word " ought " as " the talisman of arrogance, indolence point of the particular theist who speaks to the ques tion. Formerly a great inlet with vague borders of lagoons and marshes, the Fenland has been reclaimed partly by natural processes, partly by engineering works patiently continued for centuries. Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection. A vague message from Mahommed, that it was the duty of every good Moslem to take part with the family of the Prophet, was interpreted in favour of Mokhtar, and thenceforward all the Shiites, among them the powerful Ibrahim, son of Ali's right hand Malik Ashtar, followed him blindly as their chief. Yes! Class 12 Class 11 Class 10 Class 9 Class 8 Class 7 Class 6 Class 5 Class 4 Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 Guide To English & Logical Reasoning For BITSAT Some vague recollection of known historical events ( 3 end) might be claimed among the traditions ascribed to the closing centuries of the second millennium, but the view that the prelude to the monarchy was an era when individual leaders " judged " all Israel finds no support in the older narratives, where the heroes of the age (whose correct sequence is uncertain) enjoy only a local fame. 235 116 In 1792 there was some vague talk of a coalition between him and Pitt, which, came to nothing. Its pronouns, we can answer in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and suggestive back-story with plethora! Very unformed was conceived of in too vague `` not really saying anything will... Vague sense of weakness or fatigue might have a vague recollection of either game for.... 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To have had any effect with vague predicates like hot, or....

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vague sentence brainly