would you marry a girl who slept arounddonald lacava obituary

Hate to say it our race puts more thought into this subject than any other. The way i look at this, is it shouldnt matter how many partners she has. Uhh, read again. so what this nigga is saying is, Its alright to marry a whore, right? The first was with a woman who had lost her virginity to her bf not long before we got together. Make smart choice with who you choice to sleep with and protect yourself and if your going to be a hoe men or woman stick your chest out and be honest with people about your numbers and your mates you dont have to tell everyone. Theres timing to all things, even discussion about lovers. This means avoiding certain male types, but it also means recognizing what you are doing wrong and whether the type of woman you are putting out there to the male population attracts or repels them. Probably not while having sex with her either. He simply presented a good enough resume for her to push forward. No, it can most certainly simply be about the actual number. I think it would be best for everybody to wait or minimize how many people they have sex with, but that does not change the fact that we should not judge a woman based on her past. Because the why rather than the number of men is what really should be discussed in order to better understand who this woman has been and has become. Im a small endowed male. Then she knocked on a door and a guy in his underwear opened it, and she walked in and closed the door. Some guys don't want something that was shared by several others. This is a touchy subject.. Everyone is different. So if he is still able to find happiness with her when he is not aware of the true number, I just dont see why the number being revealed later should now change everything. can be decreased. People are simply not willing to marry unless they are certain that the person they are marrying is compatible.. Thats a nice, positive thought. Just go. Though there may be a difference in how/what constitutes standard for the individual. Amen brother. Not always, but often. I wish I could be OK with it but its a struggle every day and it causes me real emotional pain. View her for who she is today, not the person she may have been previously. That being said I will speak for both sides on ways I Sometimes its just not about judgement of the person its about hurting a future partners feelings. And she is the perfect wife! Studs work for every notch in there belt. Means mentally you are stronger. So it's not like they are doomed to never find a quality relationship. These women oftenhave a very nontraditional view of the way a woman should carry herself in a relationship. So yes your number matters a lot I dont care what any man says it matters, it is in our genetic make up and in our most natural instincts to want someone that is not tainted by another man. She had to Unless you are interested in being swingers, your best bet would be to only get involved with someone who has a solid sense of morality. If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make someone a good life partner. Being promiscuous is bad for both men and women. Youtube. So this research would directly indicate that the women who sleep with the most men and marry late have the lowest divorce rate. Well written article. hint 3: even from the most selfish perspective, the women you degrade as "sluts" are fun. I dont think they should, but they will and that man will never know. You can probably answer that. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. No one would want their daughter or niece to sleep around. on the flip side women whos spent their lives cheating and using unprotected sex have no respect for themselves and should never wake up one day after deciding that they want to be treated like a princess, given that respect. HOLD ON TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST. But what about the woman who is completely secure with herself, single, and likes to have sex. Report. No ones fully mature in their 20s. Or whether you were once a stripper. Am I saying that women that have what would be considered a large number of partners should be shunned? Sleeping around especially as a girl is similar. Ive never gone out just looking for sex, and I prefer to feel connection with someone. That being said , I just wanted to point out that the double standard here has disgusted me for soo long. it's up to you to be good enough for them. Hm why is it that a woman can have sex with 50 men and have all of them ejaculate in her and expect possibly only 1 life in the world in a year AND NOT KNOW WHO THE FATHER IS! I agree that people who have engaged in very promiscuous behavior have exposed themselves to the possibility of having one or more of the 5 issues you laid out. Not for who they once were and no longer are. The naivete surrounding this progressivenotion about the And since passing on your genes is the most important thing, he is attracted to women most able to get pregnant. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Should I apply for accomodation now or later? Im going to judge and hold people to the same standards Ive applied to myself. Ask around ladies. Your point about language is interesting and not one I have considered. . Its just societal ideals and norms. The world is hard on us women. You assume that not being old fashioned means being a slut. I will respect your point of view, however, as a blogger of a highly controversal and relevant subject you should try to put yourself at our vantage point as well: in a time where mens rights are routinely violated by the judicial and family court system, A LOT (not all) divorces are initiated by women who have had affairs outside of the marriage. That doesnt define who you will be. amenities; whether it was in the far past or recent past. Now the real problem is that not only are these type of women promiscuous, they lie about that number. They either find out later and it becomes a big issue, or they never find out but its those secrets that at times manifest into other issues. It is simply saying that when a man comes across a woman who has had this kind of past that judging her based solely on that is in my opinion not the best approach for determining if she really is the woman for him. This shit is not a game. As I stated earlier there are many issues that may have led to the promiscuity and it is those same issues that can bring down a marriage. Thank you for sharing that Justina I really appreciate your willingness to do that. that doesnt mean that they should deny themselves regular sex of a relationship and it doesnt make them sl*ts or *ssh*les but at least there confident and enjoy themselves. One wished the best for me. If you sleep around it shows your unstable and dont take relationships serious. Men like having a feeling of conquering and powerlessness. I'd like to believe the girls I'm seeking hold value to themselves and know what they are worth, unlike my current girlfirend sadly. I agree totally. Makes not a whit of difference to me. Depends on your age. Never thought at 39 there would be so many issues when going into a relationship but I am learning quickly. It does matter how many men, a woman She doesn't feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it's unfair that other women degrade her for this. Understand her past and evaluate her for the woman she is today, not who she once was. Not just with them, but with you. Fortunately for me he had an affair If she's interested, there's clearly no problems from her end. Of course it should matter. has slept with 4 guys or 20? I could care less but its true. Denna-nenna-nent-nent-denna-nenna-nenna-nenna-Denna-nenna-nent-nent-denna-nenna-nenna-nenna Ma-Ma-Ma-My Sharona!. Do boys and men get self conscious taking their shirts off in front of girls? Problem is you cant take that back, youre just hoping they pop out the same number lol. I agree 100%. Or why jobs do background checks or the existence of credit scores. Take care. I completely agree to everything you said.. Im gone from a serious thing..dont get me wrong, ill keep her around and have sex with her, but no emotion will be devoted to her. I feel there is a price that is paid for the way you are choosing to approach this issue, but nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. Cheers. There is nothing pure about these women. someone, you want to not only know about who they are, but who they THE DIFFERENCE IS A WOMANS BODY IS BUILT DIFFERENTLY AND THE WEAR AND TEAR IS MORE EVIDENT. They're your property. in order to let me know she is relationship material, yet shes slept with 100 people, well.I wasnt born yesterday. 4 years ago. By your logic, nothing matters, and we should all turn our brains off. Dude, consider this: she's got the experience to know what she wants and what she doesn't want. I completely agree with you that a woman's sexual health (i.e. Several promiscuous women have said to me that they could be faithful when married and I think that they would. choosing to be selective in whom they sleep with. By your logic, if we make no judgments on our potential mates, and the past doesnt matter, it should not matter if our potential mate was a child rapist for 20 years, as long as s/he isnt currently raping children. Ive broken hearts and have been burned myself. I know she has never had a super long term relationship and by her own admittance promiscuity has always been a part of her life for example. I never said I wanted to date you or anyone like you, so your comment, No one is saying you have to date us, is a bit of a non-sequitor. Please tell me what has changed at that point. Yall need to start doing some research and stop sleeping around. It felt right in me. This is definitely a hot topic. It only hurts her to vent. Intriguing debate between you & Altamera74, and as you state it is his opinion that he is entitled to. Maybe teach you to stop overthinking trivial things like her sexual history and maybe help you learn to enjoy being in the moment? I believe it is completely dependent on the person and what they are looking for. It It is simply saying that the actual number is not what is truly important. Everyone has a right to their opinion and position. o___O #dead Now those are some REAL double standards.com! They brag about it all the time when they want praise for being able to give birth. Instagram. You can try to explain Him out of existence all you want. Sad to say that women nowadays are sleeping around more than men do. Now, I have many days where I just tell myself to avoid the shame and anger of what my decisions were and just live as a single person for life, including total abstinence. Listen all the way through their logic, even though your blood might boil a little. If someone says he has slept with 100 women, who is sleeping around more, the Men or the Women? great number of men for the same reason. someone to come along and love you for who you are? The more you can talk rationally and openly to her, the better the relationship will be. There are women who have been with very few men and still experience the same issues. The Virgin guy is one by choice. I found out she was very open about hooking up and put herself on "hook-up" websites where she could trade nude pictures with random men who just were looking for flings. We are all entitled to have standards and to make a judgment about whom we choose to spend our lives with. After my grandmother died things werent the same. I would still probably see a similar reaction to my post on both of those subreddits so I have no interest in reading more on that perspective which is why I'm here hoping for more varied discussion. It is dishonest if the question has been asked, but have we not all lied about something in our lives. One should not strive to be perfect. breaker, find out the reason, spend time and get to know that person it is also about the fact that many men are with women they love but have no idea how she may have been in her past sexually. With that being said, this was really good! /Especially/ when choosing a mate. I hold men and women to the same standard. Even though maybe I shouldnt call them ignorant since I dont know them but in my opinion everyone is ignorant in some type of way. These weren't the low quality dudes either. Men getting around has pretty much been accepted as it is. Why invest your time, emotion and energy into a person who does not share the same sexual compatibility that you do because you naively want to believe that how many people she has slept with doesnt matter. So if you are saying we should avoid those that live sinfully, well then we wont be entertaining anybody at all. while, recklessly, and if I crash? Notoriety. According to your logic, if dicks cause wear and tear to a woman's vagina, then it doesn't matter if she slept with 100 men or slept with one man 100 times, she will still have "wear and tear". Thats insane. GTFO, it should not work that way. Any woman who behaves this way doesnt deserve commitment from me or any other man. Please have a successful relationship before you consider children. You should go ahead and try to remove the word "slut" from your vocabulary. Think about this. This post hit the nail on the head!!!!!!! This article is not condoning or promoting promiscuity as you obviously seem to think. Here is what I can get from you: Just broke up few months ago from an LTR and first girl you were intimate with (? although Ive had my fair share partners i dont like a woman who has. Being a guy in his thirties who has waited until marriage it gets really tiring to hear from so many people things like Your future wife isnt going to be a virgin so shut up and get over it or Her sexual past shouldnt matter now stop whining and man up or my personal favorite You just need to get laid, sex isnt that big a deal. Well sex is a big deal, at least for me, Im not going to have it with just anyone, I shouldnt be shamed or forced into dating or marrying a woman who didnt take sex seriously. So, I really dont care how many women (yes I am a chick) my man has or has not slept with, my only rule is that whilst we are together, I am the only woman he sleeps with. I would love to talk about this with someone that is exp it as well. I swear this world has turned into Sodom and Gomorrah all over again.. As a woman, if you are ashamed to reveal the number of partners you have had in your lifetimethen why should the male be ok with that? but not an automatic deal-breaker. I think through her is a reminder and a reflection of my own insecurities (which we all have no-one kid yourself) and that might be why it bothers other guys too, if I want to offer some advice to anyone reading this is that, look at it from that perspective, about yourself not about her. https://psychcentral.com/lib/2012/the-myth-of-the-high-rate-of-divorce/all/1/ for college educated women who marry after the age of 25 and have established an independent source of income, the divorce rate is only 20 percent! They say that all men are dogs, do not want relationships, and can not commit. Really think about this! As for Step your game up! Sex shouldnt be a competition. You really want to marry miss double penetration? Alpha men have choices, and pick of the litter. Still, a pregnancy or disease can and does occur. I prefer to be judged for my choices if avoiding judgment is going to condemn me to a life of misery next to a piece of trash. Since the discord opened I've talked to a fair few men who are either on this sub or want to talk about this shit one on one. And no one will understand fully if they didnt make a similar choice. As per your Article this clearly shows that Women have sex during their High School and early age as they know that guys or men will not marry them they just want SEX so this only classified that kind of woman as a SLUT ( a WHORE who sexs without Money) As far as cheating goes, even the most decent girl will cheat if a guy is attractive to her- given the time and place. There is nothing wrong with your disagreement, but they way you go about it is very negative and very unnecessary. I would say dont wait. I Think that u r bringing this up is great and it needs to be talked about more.i Think when u Get older u Think more about this things and talk about it and see that people can change and of course u go thrue life experiance different things.we r not all the same and what people do different things and shouldnt be jugded by their past. Xper 5 Age: 23. Im just curiouswhat is your take on any of your male gender having premarital sex? I would just say that the specific number wasnt the real issue in your case. would want a man who thinks this way, otherwise, she is going to just end with I do not believe I will continue with my girlfriend as I've found other options who do have problems like everybody else but however don't carry such a burden like my current girl. A woman who has slept with 100 meninevitablyhas certain qualities of character, and inevitably has certain boundary issues, and inevitably has lower standards when it comes to who she allows access to her body. There is no double standard at all. Interesting. However, the more partners a woman has had, the more likely her marriage is to fail. I disagree. Thank you for your input. I can understand your disagreement with people sleeping around. If she is everything you would want a woman to be and currently shares your same values. Those who belittle this concern are just those who have a sketchy past and don't like being possibly judged for it. Just judging by how erratic, panicky and rather desperate you have written your message above. Thank you, Lord, for resurrecting from the dead. What if she was sexually abused, and that contributed to an attitude that made her very carefree with her body. I understand how people may view that person, but that doesnt make it right. N yes i am over my ex, and thats why i can accept the truth and it doesnt hurt. You are also right about men having to work harder to get sex. Who you decide to lay down with and the things that you and them both have going on matters more than numbers. And no, the man is not estimating. The girl you date shows her cleavage all the time. I hope your relationship benefits greatly from it. My number is 25. Choosing to have however many partners you want does not mean that you do not have self respect. And if you are use to doing it, you really shoulnt be in a relationship because those be the ones that cheat. (sorry so long lol just trying to get you the most info). Modern women are told a lot of strange things, like sex doesn't matter and that men are somewhat entitled to fuck them. However, for menthey are target-marketed like pigs in a pen. By his personality it doesn seem that he is a virgin either. 70% of divorces are initiated by women because of that reason, so Im curious to know exactly what you attribute the divorce rate to? I just dont think that is ever worth passing on a woman that may be the right woman for that man. I too have hurt my partner many times with my venting. Single, and that men are dogs, do not want relationships and. He is entitled to fuck them contributed to an attitude would you marry a girl who slept around made her very carefree with body! Simply presented a good life partner, this was really good but they will and men! What has changed at that point feel connection with someone that is exp it as well feeling. Learning quickly, a pregnancy or disease can and does occur partners should be shunned they way you about... Behaves this way doesnt deserve commitment from me or any other man fashioned means a... Woman who had lost her virginity to her bf not long before we together... Same standard not like they are doomed to never find a quality relationship had my fair share partners dont. Number lol my ex, and can not commit was in the far or! 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would you marry a girl who slept around