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It is never explicitly called a sin. Kissing on the lips is a form of profound communication by one's inner spirit to unite with another's inner spirit. French kissing puts the "car" into second gear. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It is not for the faint of heart, though in the rage of battle every warrior feels the temptation to faint from the fight. The term is tossed around a lot these days, and it's important to understand it. ), others, especially those who struggle with alcohol abuse, will avoid it at all costs to avoid taking the alcohol too far. We have special family members and those attached to them to whom we give affectionate hugs. It is our hope and prayer that one of these will break through the darkness . If you can do so with a clean conscience and without moving towards other activities that would be considered sexual sin (like mutual masturbation, oral sex, etc. Sexual immorality means neglecting and defying God's law of sexual relations. (9) Tongue down the throat Kiss I want to own/dominate you and be the dominant one. And in all things, lets avoid causing fellow brothers and sisters stumble, in whatever temptation they may face. (Staring into each others eyes can also instigate a transfer of subtle-energies, depending on the types of negative energies involved. Kissing is one of the first physical steps that move us toward the physical intimacy that is ultimately completed with sexual intercourse. Learn simple techniques to experience inner joy. An older woman saw that I looked pretty tired so she offered to give me a massage. Saying aprayerfor protection also helps in re-enforcing the subtle protective sheath around you. The act of kissing another person generally gives rise to negative vibrations which attracts negative energies in the environment. I guess a big smack square on the lips from a man who is four times your age isnt whatmost teenage boys hope for. This verse tells us to flee from sexual immorality. If kissing causes you to lust after the person youre kissing or you find yourself always wanting to go further than kissing, you are doing the exact opposite of fleeing by kissing. Massage, if youre strong enough to let it not lead further. And even more so during the last days. In the ancient world, kissing was a common form of greeting, much like it is in many European countries today. After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, "Rabbi!" and kissed Him. Kissing a stranger means loving every part of yourself, including those you were hiding and uncomfortable with. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 that the motivation of our hearts, not just our actions cause us to commit adultery. 119:15-16). In that life, there can be . What really this question boils down to intentions of the heart and mind during the act of kissing. If purity is your goal, be cautious and think before locking those lips. A man kissing you on the forehead can be strange because it can read as a tad paternal, and there may be something to that on a certain level. We all have different struggles and things that cause us to sin. Its something Christians dont do. Once, when on a first date, he stopped by his parents home to drop off a package, while I waited in the car. and a recent graduate of Taylor University's professional writing program. (4) Trail of Sweet Little Body Kisses I love your body (when done slowly North to South, its a great tease). . God judges the intentions of our hearts, not just our actions. The men who took water in their hands to drink could watch their surroundings and look for danger. But I have another question Is it okay if I (a lady) French-kiss my boyfriend before marriage? Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. However, the person kissing her cannot perceive the negative vibrations due to a lack of sixth sense ability. What I say to you I say to everyone, Be on the alert[stay awake and be continually cautious]!. So when it comes to the idea of Christian kissing, as in sharing more than a holy kiss in a greeting (2 Corinthians 13:12), should we save our first kiss for marriage? Most of the outer layer of the lips are tuned to pick the feelings around the lips, tongue, cheeks, and nose. Then there have been those who have been quite dear to me I have simply run into in the street e.g; a couple of old bosses and we have shared hugs in the spontaneous delight of meeting again. Kissing is still a part of yourself that you're giving away to someone, so make sure this person has been checked thoroughly and they are truly the right person. It all starts with a kiss. SPIRITUALITY BEHIND GREETING SOMEONE (1) Quick Kiss on the Lips Im busy and/or stressed, but I still want to connect with you (or I feel obligated to kiss you since its a habit we do). Lastly, Jesus said before He left, Do not fear. The world is getting darker but Christians can live peacefully. Parents kissing their baby is normal, but at the same time, it is essential that the parent safeguards the baby . Refer to the article on chakras to acquire a better understanding of the table below. The verse in Proverbs is about a wayward woman trying to entice a young man to sleep with her while her husband is away. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace." Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac tags: farming , living , nature Read more quotes from Aldo Leopold Share this quote: Like Quote Recommend to friends He encourages us to meditate on it: "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. A black energy covering is created around the body of the average person. ), SPIRITUALITY BEHIND BOWING Are There Spiritual Dangers of Kissing? In todays world, especially in western culture, kissing on the cheeks is recognized as a common form of greeting. Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. Discretion and wisdom ought to be exercised about kissing and hugging others even if we are going to be misunderstood by some. The Bible mentions kissing several times. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge. 1 While mucus can be beneficial to the body, producing too much mucus can cause breathing difficulties and . if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'christianforums_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christianforums_com-leader-2-0'); French kissing is not inherently sinful but can be depending on the persons heart and motives. Sometimes a pat on the back means lets go chum. You dontneed thought pollutionworking against you also. There is a creation and an activation of a ring of negative energy at the heart, A flow of dense negative energy from the ladys heart, This in turn creates a dense ring of negative energy at the heart. This practice is considered as a source of pleasure. 5:13-14). Spiritual bypassing is a form of escapism, where people pretend that everything is always positive - to avoid facing their true emotions. The table below provides the details behind each of the aspects in the above drawing based on subtle-knowledge. You will miss out on God's primary design for your spiritual growth and well-being. You shouldnt pride yourself on your ability to do what others feel they cant or condemn those who do things you dont feel God would have you do. The Bible makes it clear to avoid having sex before marriage (1 Corinthians 6:18), but as for kissing and other modes of affection, where do they measure up? Our brains release endorphins and other chemicals when we engage in romantic physical contact. 73% of kissing happens between two men. In the other, she bemoans the fact that they arent related because then she could kiss him in public and no one would think anything of it. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? Almost everything in relationships (romantic and otherwise) can be potentially spiritually dangerous. Thats exactly when spiritual danger is the most imminent. Is Kissing Considered Adultery in the Bible? However, it might or might not be a sin to kiss before marriage depending on your heart and intentions. Are you kissing outside of your marriage? (10) Kiss on the Hand I respect you and want to move slowly sexually. Out of all the greetings, kissing is actually the one that is most likely to give rise to Tama predominant vibrations. The piece reviews significant scientific literature on the deleterious effects of meditation. Knowing the source of truth (God) keeps you anchored in humility when pursuing heavenly knowledge. [persons] when they're becoming self-referenced and self-centered." Valentine's day. WHY DO WE PROSTRATE BEFORE PARENTS,ELDERS AND NOBLE SOULS? That may involve Christian complacency, lack of spiritual maturity, indifference or embracing sin instead or holiness. This might be a quick peck as a hello or a goodbye. Home; spiritual dangers of kissing . What does the Bible say about kissing? God wants His children (those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior) to stay awake spiritually. He mentions things like observing certain holy days and eating certain kinds of food. According to spiritual research undertaken by SSRF, approximately 30% of the worlds population is possessed by negative energies. The relationship can develop faster than God intends for it too. 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death. In fact, the intake of food is one of the easiest ways that negative energies affect a person. So whats the point of dating? In this particular case, one of the people involved is possessed while the other is affected by negative energies. So is imagining kissing a sin? More than 450 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. Personally, I limit myself to hugging, shaking hands and smiling (people tell me I have a great,warming smile). Most anthropologists have described kissing as a "mate assessment tool" over and over again. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'christianforums_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christianforums_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Having intimate physical contact with someone, even something as simple as a kiss, can bind us emotionally to someone in ways we might not intend. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'christianforums_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christianforums_com-banner-1-0'); The Bible does not directly or explicitly say anything about premarital kissing or if kissing is a sin before marriage. If someone struggles with sexual sin, they should avoid putting themselves in a compromised mindset. It has been verified and authenticated by His Holiness Dr. Athavale. Unexplained marital distress/bad marriage 6. 2) Decide you're going to do something about it Next up is action. God knows their heart and what is wise or unwise for them to do. Doing so only becomes dangerous when satan muddies the water. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom before going down that road with anyone. All Rights Reserved. We reserve that for marriage alone. Mucus can tell quite the health story. If you are stuffed full of intellectual truth, its possible to sidestep correction from those who are holy. The dangers of this raw spiritual rage point to the importance of humility and self-detachment from one's passions, preferences, and opinions within the life of faith. A quick peck might fall under the category of phileo love, depending on each person, but a long kiss marked with sensuality is certianly in the eros cateogory. In todays world, many people including Christians ask, What is spiritual danger? Is it possible to avoid perils? Any intimate experience can create a soul tie. There is a creation and an activation of a ring of negative energy at the heart, A flow of dense negative energy from the ladys heart, This in turn creates a dense ring of negative energy at the heart. Its not sinful to kiss if your motive is simply to show affection. During sex you are transferring your being, your emotions, your soul. Sounds like you unintentionally changed them in a good way. It is a very effective seductive gesture. The proclamation of Scriptures is God's primary means for a disciple of Jesus to grow in . Spiritual Dangers of the 21st Century presents us with Weapons in Our Spiritual Arsenal for the challenges we face daily as we are called to "the salt of the earth" and "light for the world" (Mt. We are a community of Christians who all unite under the same principle, that Jesus is Lord. I know many people hug and kiss in church but in truth I find it empty and shallow and more especially when the Pastor commands that we turn to the person nearest to us and give them a hug. Its easy to turn on, but hard to turn off. Kissing for the thrill of it, because of the excitement (non-venereal) produced by "an increase of pulse and respiration which causes a feeling of exhilaration" is not in itself sinful, if there is no reaction of the organs of generation; but such kisses, in certain circumstances, easily prove a source of danger because they prepare the way for . That varies from dating relationship to dating relationship. This sounds more like there is a spiritual danger in accepting Francis as Pope than in rejecting his claim to the Papacy. When in transit from one person to another, the negative energy from these systems accumulates in the mouth before being transmitted. A cloud of black energy engulfs the average persons mind. There are waves of black energy emitted out of the lady who is possessed by negative energies. 13 Dangers of Lacking Spiritual Discernment How to Stop Spiritually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Practice Spiritual Discernment 1. The Surprising Truth! STRIKING PARALLELISM BETWEEN DARVINS THEORY OF EVOLUTION AND DASHAVATARA, WHY IS IT FORBIDDEN TO EAT ONION,GARLIC AND NON VEG DURING NAVARATRI, Miseries and Happiness (Vedic Philosophy). ], Tags: dangers of spiritualityhow to know when god is warning youspiritual danger definitionspiritual warnings of danger. In the Bible most physical signs of affection were outside of marriage but they were also same-sex. This verse reminds Christians to be self-controlled in all they do, not controlled by passionate lust. Persons ] when they & # x27 ; s law of sexual.... Common form of greeting, much like it is our hope and prayer that one of outer! Is normal, spiritual dangers of kissing hard to turn off are transferring your being your! 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spiritual dangers of kissing