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- Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. The idea behind these stats is that a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Massachusetts isnt the same as a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Florida. Initially appointed to fill a vacancy in the Senate, the former superintendent of the Denver public school system won a term in his own right in 2010. [emailprotected]. - Disapproval rating: 37% Succeeding Harry Reid from Nevada, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is currently the Senate Minority Leader and the top-ranking Democrat in the Senate. Maria Cantwell is the second female senator from Washington after Patty Murray, whom she currently serves with. - Approval rating: 38% She served just one term in the House before being elected to the Senate, signaling her political career may well be on track to continue gaining. Manchin has voted with Donald Trump 61% of the timesince the beginning of Trump's presidency, according to FiveThirtyEight. She was one of many senators who questioned the State Department for not recognizing June as Pride Month. Partisan Lean (5). - Never heard of: 21% During the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh, Hirono was an outspoken supporter of Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasey Ford. *Net approval is the share who approve minus the share who disapprove. Bob Casey Jr., son of former Pennsylvania Gov. (CNN) As the calendar turns to 2022, Senate races are about to kick into much higher gear, with ad spending increasing ahead of the first primaries in May and just a few more fundraising quarters for candidates to prove they're serious The biggest storyline to watch heading into 2022 is the resolution of contested GOP primaries. - Approval rating: 53% - Party: Republican. But less than two years out from a potential 2024 re-election campaign, surveys conducted after she announced her decision to become an independent reveal a coalitional shift thats made her more popular with Arizonas unaffiliated and Republican voters but hastened her descent with the states Democrats. Each currently enjoys an extraordinary PARG of +75 or higher. - Party: Democrat. Carper then won a seat in the Senate in 2000 against incumbent William Roth: a shakeup during a period when Delaware had the same four elected officialsRoth, Carper, Castle, and Joe Bidenfor 16 years. Along with Barrasso, Tennessees Marsha Blackburn, Texas Ted Cruz, North Dakotas Kevin Cramer, Missouris Josh Hawley and Floridas Rick Scott all hold approval ratings above 70% among Republicans in their states. - Party: Republican. - Party: Democrat. And you might expect Democratic Gov. - Disapproval rating: 30% - Party: Democrat. - Party: Independent. Cantwell is a strong advocate for reproductive rights and environmental protection. Oct 1.-Dec. 31, 2022 . - Never heard of: 20% Eli Yokley is a senior data reporter at Morning Consult covering politics and campaigns. - Approval rating: 48% - State: Hawaii Independent Sens. In popular media, Leahy is known for his comic book fandom and has appeared in multiple Batman films. - Approval rating: 44% Barrasso has allied himself with Trump in his growing concern over relations with Iran. - Never heard of: 19% Then again, a senators PARS score isnt everything. - Never heard of: 19% Also, a mix of both parties dominates the top of the list not just Democrats. Graham is up for reelection in 2020. - Party: Republican. - Party: Republican. Since then, Blunt has been known for his conservative voting record. Most recently, the senator introduced legislation that would ban gun silencers. Some Republicans in Arizona see Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb or 2022 Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters as potential contenders to appeal next year to the GOPs rightward flank, while Karrin Taylor Robson, who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2022, and state Treasurer Kimberly Yee are being eyed by those looking for a candidate with broader appeal. - Never heard of: 19% On Tuesday after leading Senate Republicans in passing the Democrat bill, Mitch McConnell endorsed Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. - Disapproval rating: 35% A week ago, Republicans led Democrats by 2.6 points (45.4 percent to 42.8 percent). Angus King and Bernie Sanders are considered Democrats for the purposes of these calculations. Giving advice and consent to the executive branch of the governmenti.e. This also offers a glimmer of hope to Democrats who face the very real prospect of losing control of the Senate in 2022, as this falls midterm elections are shaping up well for Republicans. Unrelated to the Kennedy political family, John Kennedy of Louisiana is a former Democrat-turned-Republican. Senate // Wikimedia Commons, Rebecca Hammel/ U.S. Senate // Wikimedia Commons, United States Congress // Wikimedia Commons, Office of Senator Sherrod Brown // Wikimedia Commons, U.S. Customs and Border Protection // Flickr, Joy Holder/U.S. Only one-third of - Approval rating: 34% As he weighs a re-election campaign, that leaves Romney only slightly more popular than he was in the wake of Trumps second impeachment trial in the first quarter of 2021. - Party: Republican. - State: New Hampshire At this time last week, 42.2 percent approved and 52.5 percent disapproved (a net approval rating of -10.3 points). Sullivan today acts as an advocate against military action toward Iran while supporting sanctions against the country. The correlation between senatorial approval rating and partisan lean is 0.44; the correlation between gubernatorial approval rating and partisan lean is -0.11. Facing Ballot in 2024, Romney Is Weak Among Utah Republicans. The former mayor of Burlington and former congressman representing Vermont is also possibly the most well-known senator in the country. To that end, most Stacker stories are freely available to - State: Maryland Chris Coons - DE, 52% Approval Rating. - Disapproval rating: 29% - Disapproval rating: 29% Braun opposes the DREAM Act and has been vocal about his support for a border wall. - Party: Democrat. - Party: Democrat. Jeanne Shaheen. - Never heard of: 23% Missouri. While presiding over the Senate floor, Daines censured fellow Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King thought to be impugning Sen. Jeff Sessions during his hearings to become attorney general. - Disapproval rating: 31% In fact, the only current senator with a lower approval rating is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has infamously blocked hundreds of popular pieces of legislation. And hes not the only Democrat with a lot of cross-party appeal; in fact, the 16 senators with the highest PARS scores all caucus with the Democratic Party. The most recent polling data from January 2023 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 21 percent - a decrease from the high-point reached in - State: Louisiana - State: South Carolina - Disapproval rating: 32% - Approval rating: 52% - Party: Republican. Ohio and Pennsylvania voters, too, are more likely than not to give positive marks to Democratic Sens. - State: Arkansas Sen. Angus King was a popular governor before being elected to the Senate in 2012. - Approval rating: 48% - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 34% In a March 2019 vote, Sinema voted against the Green New Deal. - Disapproval rating: 36% - Approval rating: 52% The senior Kentucky senator earned only 30% approval from - State: Maine Reed has been in the Senate since 1997, and during the Obama administration rejected multiple offers to serve as the president's defense secretary. - Disapproval rating: 22% - Party: Republican. - Party: Republican. A Democratic senator with a net approval of +2 in an R+7 state has a PARS of +9 (2+7 = 9). If the same state had a Republican governor with the same approval rating, his PARS would be -5 (2-7 = -5). wrote about the importance of clean energy. - Approval rating: 39% He was also a loud voice of support for Brett Kavanaugh after his controversial nomination to the Court. - Party: Democrat. 2022 Governors Elections (39) - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 45% The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip are based on CNNs reporting and fundraising data, as well as historical data about how states and candidates have - Disapproval rating: 31% - Approval rating: 45% - Disapproval rating: 29% The most popular and unpopular 2022 candidate qualities First Read is your briefing from Meet the Press and the NBC Political Unit on the days most As a congresswoman, Jacky Rosen had the distinction of being the only Democrat to defeat a Republican incumbent during the 2018 elections. - Never heard of: 23% Sen. Mike Crapo is the first Mormon elected to the U.S. Senate and previously served on the Idaho House of Representatives and U.S. House of Representatives. - Disapproval rating: 29% - Approval rating: 47% - State: Oklahoma But Democratic Gov. - Disapproval rating: 39% Since then, Sen. Thune has risen in the ranks among Senate Republicans. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota (84%) and Chris Murphy (82%) round out the top 3. - Disapproval rating: 28% - Never heard of: 19% - Party: Democrat. - State: Georgia - Approval rating: 42% Cory Gardner narrowly defeated the Democratic incumbent in 2014 to become senator there, and today is the only Republican serving Colorado in a statewide elected office. Hes followed by Senate Republican Whip John Thune, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, who has retired, and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). - State: Missouri - Never heard of: 31% - Disapproval rating: 33% - Never heard of: 11% - Approval rating: 43% In doing so, youre agreeing to the below guidelines. - Never heard of: 29% Jon Tester went from the Montana State Senate to the U.S. Senate upon winning his election in 2006. Just one-third of Kentuckians, 33%, approve of McConnell's job performance, while 60% disapprove. - Party: Republican. - State: Alabama - State: North Carolina - State: Tennessee Nevertheless, the president on June 25 endorsed Tillis' upcoming bid for reelection, which stands to be a nail-biter as the unpopular senator squares off with the likes of Army Reserve counsel Calvin Cunningham III, a Democrat. Incumbent: Republican Roy Blunt (retiring) Its still all about Eric Greitens in Sen. Jeff Merkley is a leading progressive in the Senate who was the only senator to endorse his colleague Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 27% Sen. Roy Blunt served for more than a decade in the House of Representatives, acting as the Republican Whip and second-most ranking member of the party. Inhofe is outspoken about his denial of climate change and has been a fierce opponent of LGBTQ+ rights. - Approval rating: 48% Cruz was President Trump's closest rival in 2016 and initially declined to endorse Trump during his Republican National Convention speech. - Disapproval rating: 33% That will be essential in a year when, based solely on partisan lean and generic congressional ballot polling, youd expect a Republican to win their home states, all else being equal. - Never heard of: 18% - State: Wisconsin - Approval rating: 42% - Never heard of: 21% - State: Wyoming And then theres Montana, a state with a not-so-distant bipartisan voting history that has swung further to the right in each presidential contest since 2012. Due to his opposition on legislation that supports LGBTQ+ rights, the Human Rights Campaign included Lankford in their Congressional Hall of Shame., - Approval rating: 41% - Approval rating: 47% Trump has feuded with Blumenthal over the latter's claims that he served in Vietnam. Crapo was against President Barack Obama making a Supreme Court appointment in 2016. - State: West Virginia Sen. Chris Van Hollen has been active in Democratic Congressional leadership, serving as the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee during his time in the House and later the chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after getting elected to the Senate. Sen. Patty Murray became Washington's first woman senator when she was elected to the position in 1992. WebOne of the most glaring examples of Meeks' corruption involves a massive discount he got on a $1.2 million Queens McMansion because he has the word "Congressman" on his business card. She is currently running for higher office as she seeks to unseat President Trump. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester has not yet said whether hell run next year, but with a 60% approval rating, he is the most popular incumbent who would face a tough 2024 contest if he decides to mount another campaign. Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema continues to rank among Americas most unpopular senators following her departure from the Democratic Party, according to Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking in all 50 states. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, Phil Scott of Vermont and Larry Hogan of Maryland. John Thune - SD, 52% Approval Rating. - Party: Republican. - State: Illinois She was then elected attorney general for California, serving from 2011 to 2017 before being elected to the Senate. - Party: Democrat. Warner gave the keynote speech during the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Finally, the two governors with the worst PARGs are Democrats Kate Brown of Oregon (-25) and David Ige of Hawaii (-41). - State: Oregon Despite speculation that he would run for president in 2020, Brown declined to do so, electing to stay in the Senate instead. Van Hollen was the cosponsor of the Protect Our Elections Act, along with Maine Sen. Susan Collins. - Never heard of: 23% - State: Pennsylvania - Never heard of: 28% - Approval rating: 49% In 2019, Ernst finally joined his colleagues in condemning King. - Approval rating: 38% Similar to a senators PARS score, a governors PARG score can also help us get a better sense of which governors running for reelection in 2022 are best equipped to swim against the partisan tide of their states. Scott has objected to some of Trump's judicial appointments, one case being for racist statements. - Approval rating: 39% Lee is vocal about his opposition to the Green New Deal, and in 2016 blocked a vote on federal assistance for Flint during the city's ongoing water crisis. Brian Schatz was appointed to the Senate after the death of long-serving Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. Raphael Warnock, Mark Kelly, Maggie Hassan and Catherine Cortez Masto all have PARS scores of at Shelley Moore Capito is the first woman to serve as senator of West Virginia. These members of Congress increasingly find themselves in precarious positions as everything they say is shared wide and far across social media, the internet, cable news, radio, and print. - Approval rating: 38% Tony Evers of Wisconsin may be more at the mercy of the national mood. 1. You may also like:Most and least popular governors in America, - Approval rating: 33% - Disapproval rating: 34% Richard Burr of North Carolina has been the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee since 2015, and as such has had an active role in the probe investigating Russian interference in United States elections. - Approval rating: 40% - Never heard of: 37% Booker gained attention for his pointed questioning during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, receiving criticism from conservatives. - Disapproval rating: 21% Hawley introduced legislation aiming to fight against perceived online bias against Republicans from tech companies, receiving much criticism and ridicule. Jack Reed served in the U.S. Army before being elected to the House of Representatives from 1991 to 1997. In June he was the sole senator from Missouri or Kansas to support blocking President Donald Trump from selling munitions to Saudi Arabia. Pollapalooza (248) - Disapproval rating: 31% - Never heard of: 16% - State: New Jersey - Party: Republican. - Disapproval rating: 35% - State: Idaho Martha McSally's ascension to the Senate is a strange case. - Approval rating: 42% She was the first elected female senator for Minnesota, previously having served as a county lawyer. Upon her election to the House of Representatives in 2012, Kyrsten Sinema became the first openly bisexual person and second openly LGBTQ+ woman to serve in Congress. Of Maryland Republicans led Democrats by 2.6 points ( 45.4 percent to 42.8 percent ) one of many who... Advocate for reproductive rights and environmental protection the cosponsor of the list not just Democrats position 1992! Most well-known senator in the ranks Among Senate Republicans: 30 % - Never of. Susan Collins while supporting sanctions against the country, the senator introduced legislation that ban. 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most unpopular senators 2022