marcus dipaola disabilitydonald lacava obituary

The city was one of the first places in America to initiate a yearly Pride parade in 1972. What Disability Does Marcus DiPaola Have? If you dont recognize the real world is a scary place, its time to grow up. According to Marcus, I started my career as an on-camera reporter at CNC World, a cable TV station that is the Chinese equivalent to CNN. CNC World is a majority Chinese state-owned news network run by Xinhua, the state news agency. Even though he has no affiliation with any major media outlets, viewers seem to rely on his interpretations of national headlines. DiPaola could be easily ignored if he didnt have such a large platform to deliver his venomous spittle-flecked tirades. original sound - Marcus DiPaola. like lore around a fake hostage situation. I also have passive income from royalties from footage shot over the last 11 years of my life that major newspapers, TV networks, Hollywood films, and advertisers buy to use without my name attached. Instead, he once mentioned in a tweet that he writes for middle school children with learning impairments. However, if you like what I do and would like for me to keep doing it, you can, Instructional: Using Targeted Web Searches to Find Information FAST, Full Interview Video FBI Director Chris Wray Defends Organization from Criticism: Not a Single FBI Investigation Handled Inappropriately, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Concedes Defeat After Taking 3rd Place in Reelection Effort First Chicago Mayor in 40 Years to Lose Reelection, Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for Gain of Function Virus Manipulation, Big Dig Energy Episode 122: The Recession Suppression Expression Session, Big Dig Energy Episode 121: Ready to Rumble, [Instructional] How To Use A News Aggregator to Stay On Top of Whats Going On, The Solution Series: Protecting Your Home and Real Estate Assets with Marie McDonnell, The Solution Series: Protecting Your Familys Assets Through Wills and Trusts with Ann Christensen. DiPaola began posting polling updates every hour using inputs from FiveThirtyEights presidential forecast vertical. WebWho is Marcus DiPaola? A subreddit dedicated to global intelligence news, espionage, international affairs, geopolitics I report governmental failures within the framework of existing. He was a 22-year-old Brown University student who had been missing for a month when Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev bombed the Boston marathon in April 2013. He was also criticized for stating that the story was 'the least important thing you will hear about all week'. I delete comments that spread misinformation, disinformation, red herrings, or whataboutism. This video was the beginning of something even bigger than just that one duet. Enjoy your power blackouts Texas, you voted for them.. Marcus Dipaola age is 30 years at the moment. This pattern is []. Like many grifters who have made a name for themselves in an age in which facts, fairness, and the appearance of objectivity are increasingly devalued, DiPaola cloaks his inadequacies behind his mission statement: that he is, according to his own bio, using a writing style designed to make it possible for middle schoolers with learning disabilities to understand the news. But if this were truly the case, why then does DiPaola enunciate innocent words like trains with all the sinister timbre of Richard III chewing up the scenery just before hiring assassins to kill his older brother? Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. As of 2022, he is a freelance field producer. DiPaolas net worth is estimated to be under $1 million according to WikiOfCelebs. This is one of the most creative uses of the duet feature, which was launched last September, that we have seen. You can support me through my Patreon. Take, for example, his report on March 29th about LGBT residents in Philadelphia getting attacked. If someone lies, I will point it out. If a political party opposes a policy incompatible with human rights, Ill point it out. For his 3.7 million TikTok followers, he is now a journalist who reports on breaking news in a TV reporter style. Most people regardless of age have a hard time understanding the difference between a news article and a fact-based opinion article. I wish I were kidding. My work has been used by: ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, PBS NewsHour, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, New York It has since spiraled into cinematic greatness all over the internet. No other social platform allows anyone to take someone elses video and use it to create their own unique story quite like TikTok. So far the video, which strings all the duets together, has been watched over four million times, and garnered over 130,500 likes. [3][4] Marcus would also gain popularity for his coverage of the 2020 American election.Cite error: Invalid tag; invalid names, e.g. You matter. Come home.. Cover image credit: Marcus DiPaola on Twitter. But DiPaola shows no such care or commitment. Then Twitter Fired Her. I aim to write news in a way digestible by middle school students with learning disabilities. His introduction of his fiance in the video led to a wave of duets that culminated in the production of numerous duets on TikTok. The Facebook page theyd taken down because of the vile social attention they were receiving went back up. The tripathi siblings: Sangeeta, Sunil, and Ravi. A. Marcus was born in Boston and grew up in China, before returning to the USA at age 16. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is the ONLY place he discloses it that I can find, and he is still posting to their website as of April 17th, 2021. Rioting "protesters" burned down my car after carjacking me and putting a pistol to my videographer's forehead. LGBTQ , Marcus DiPaola , It was like having an assignment desk for a freelancer, says DiPaola. DiPaola primarily posts news coverage of political events, and he mentioned that his content is intended for middle-schoolers with learning disabilities. I told her, Its not Sunil.. Although my goal is to write for learning disabled students, many adults with and without learning disabilities tell me they follow my work because of its simplicity. And he continues to do the same in 2021 for officer-involved shootings, providing them with emotionally-charged images to influence their audiences, including the death of Adam Toledo, a thirteen year old who brandished a pistol at police officers before being fatally shot. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Liberal Republicans will be the downfall of ourcountry, Bitcoin Millionares $500 Freedom Phone actually $179online, Trump's stump speech conspicuously lacked any concrete policy rollouts or a 2020 agenda, and focused instead on ripping his perceived enemies. DiPaola also claims to have been a voluntary FBI informant from January 2016 to January 2019, wherein he says he acted as a journalist turned informant covering President Trump. And because its my birthday, I get to introduce you to my girlfriend. Marcus Messner, director of the Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture at Virginia Commonwealth University, describes it well: While Gen Z consumers make their buying choices based on advice from influencers on TikTok, the leap to having them consume their news and information from news influencers is not very far. Theres a lot more to learn here, and simply exists as a warning sign of the deeper penetration of American media by informants to China and three letter agencies. Siller, who ran to the World Trade Center through the Battery Its not my responsibility to meet someone halfway between truth and lie to bring them back into reality. This is a great piece to share with unaware neighbors who have no clue what their kids are looking at on the phone. TikTok is an unstoppable force, utilized by a large number of Americas youth. He has an undergraduate degree in Bachelors in Art and Journalism from Rutgers University. The only thing Im willing to share is I generally support candidates that support human rights. Therefore, Marcuss comparison of CNC World to CNN couldnt be more accurate when you consider the Chinese Communist Partys propaganda machine is its most important guarantor of the CCPs power. Im not particularly friendly as it is, unwarranted comments about my appearance arent going to improve that. She Slept On The Floor In Her Office. There was a lot of dishonest reporting surrounding that whole catastrophe, and most journalists and media outlets decided to point fingers on whos fault it was rather than focusing on the 200 dead. If youre scared of real life and want to pretend things are perfect, follow someone else. [15][16], Some users have accused Marcus of being affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, due to him being/having been a reporter for Xinhua News Agency, the official state press in the People's Republic of China. WebFreelance journalist Marcus DiPaola takes his temperature with two thermometers in West Loop home on Oct. 30. WebMarcus covered the White House for four years and now anchors the news on TikTok, fundamentally for middle schoolers with learning disabilities. It is unknown how much he has earned from his work with these news outlets. Because what you did? He does, however, comment on this on his Medium page, where he gets paid-per-view on his articles, by saying, I started my career as a reporter at Xinhua News Agency in Chicago, Illinois, during my sophomore year of college Xinhua News Agency is a government-funded wire service and provides news to Chinese newspapers and TV stations in the same way that the Associated Press provides news to U.S. newspapers and TV stations. Now, he hasnt explicitly said that he no longer works with Xinhua, but he claims to be a freelance journalist, but that just isnt the case. It also makes it much more difficult for his viewers to look up the story on their own. May 4[2] He has traveled to 26 different nations so far, giving him extensive knowledge of both his own administration and foreign governments. Even comedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and John Oliver have employed fact-checkers. You sound like a major arse. WebJoin your hosts as they look into how Gen Z is consuming the news. (LogOut/ I write the scripts for my afternoon and evening multi-topic updates using a custom Tweetdeck with seven columns: general news & opinion, Washington, spies & natsec, environment, North Korea/proliferation, all federal electeds, and breaking. He doesnt disclose this on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, or any other platform. A. DiPaolas net worth is estimated to be under $1 million according to WikiOfCelebs. Thats bad reporting.. However, Marcuss involvement with China-based news outlets is a major cause for concern, as well as his claims to have been a former FBI informant on President Trump, deserves far more attention than he currently gets for it. Please logout and login again. I wear the same shirt every day because I like red, I like the softness of the material, and I hate insignificant decisions. When discussing Xinhua, Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, echoed a suspicion that Chinese state media is a weapon for their intelligence operations: China has long masked intelligence operations with journalistic credentials.. Last year, USA Today reported that Philadelphia was among the friendliest cities to LGBTQ people. In May 2021, DiPaola described The Satanic Temple as 'The people who worship Satan'. too many[5]Marcus has stated that he separates his personal beliefs from his work, also stating that he generally supports 'candidates that support human rights'. Xinhua also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Associated Press on November 25, 2018, with consensus in diverse aspects over further enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation.. Tripathis name will forever be connected to the Boston bombing, not as the bomber, but as a cautionary tale for journalists. There are. WebMarcus DiPaola, a 23-year-old journalist who recently returned from covering the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, is undergoing mandatory monitoring from the Chicago Department of Inflammatory word choices are a path to more civil unrest and youth being manipulated into supporting causes that dont deserve it. In 2009 and 2010, he majored in journalism at Rutgers University. Mulugeta had been mentioned on the scanner, unrelated to the bombing. He spent the 2016 election following and covering Donald Trump as he I am not one to put things behind a paywall, and I believe information should flow freely. I grew up in China but Im not Chinese. ", Following this @mr.tukua films himself acting as the hostage negotiator, speaking through a makeshift paper cone, saying: "Marcus you don't want to do this, let her go. WebMarcus DiPaola. Think of DiPaola as Awkward Family Photos enhanced with white male rage. HistoryMarcus has jumped from internship-to-internship, according to his LinkedIn profile, including a short internship at Fox News. Marcus primarily posts news coverage of political events, and he has stated that his content is intended for Additionally, he receives passive revenue in the form of royalties from the usage of a video he has filmed over the previous 11 years that is licensed to major media outlets, TV networks, Hollywood productions, and advertising for commercial purposes. I am freelance, which means I make most of my money by working for mainstream media organizations. Tripathi wasnt a bomber, or a suspect. Though a lot of it remains to be uncovered, it seems that Marcus has managed to pick up a few skills from his teachers, whoever they may be, and thrives in his ability to spin narratives and sway the opinions of millions with his hysterical reporting style. Based on Reddits information, DiPaola got shots of the FBI executing a search warrant, and of the National Guards staging area, where hundreds of soldiers were being deployed. [] questo gap, personalit (anche controverse) come Marcus DiPaola emergono e crescono quasi nel []. With thick-framed glasses, poorly groomed stubble, and hair parted in the middle in a manner that suggests that he could be the love child of Alfalfa and a Williamsburg hipster, DiPaola reads the news in an intense and fearmongering style against an Olan Mills backdrop that is grossly at odds with his I spend most of my time in a basement aesthetic. He is spreading CCP propaganda, while on the CCPs payroll to youre children. Hard to believe Marcus is getting famous and rich instead of raided by the FBI. We look at Instagram explainers and Tiktok's unofficial news anchor, Marcus DiPaola. No wonder Nancy Pelosi wants to let 16-year-olds vote. In addition to the brand-sponsored partnerships, Sportskeeda said that Dipaola might get up to $2,000 every post on TikTok. As ratings for standard media outlets continue to decline, more and more young people are turning their eyes to TikTok for their news. In 2009 and 2010, he majored in journalism at Rutgers University. ", The bonkers footage steps up a notch when TikTok user @theycallmethegreatest pretends to be an FBI officer, holding a TV remote like a gun to a cupboard door, and saying: "FBI, open the door right now and let her go. I also have a Patreon. I want to be the translator from mainstream media to teenagers, DiPaola told the Washington Post. TikTok said at the time: "Duets allow you to build on another user's video on TikTok by recording your own video alongside the original as it plays. In January 2021, during the GameStop short squeeze, DiPaola was criticized for having sharing misinformation about the situation, saying that it was caused because Reddit users were betting money that GameStop will be super valuable in a couple of years, and regular people wanted GameStop to stick around because they like the store. They called the Tripathi family all night, leaving voicemail after voicemail, and sent TV cameras to the familys Boston home. And if they hear it from a man who is so careless and capricious with the facts, then DiPaolas outsize influence is incredibly dangerous. His work has been published everywhere from outlets as large as The New York Times to those as obscure as China's Xinhua News Agency. No one has the right to police what I wear and Im not willing to allow my physical appearance to become a topic of conversation, so now Im just not going to wear red for a while. WebDiscover the most famous people named Marcus including Marcus Dobre, Marcus Gunnarsen, Marcus Rashford, Marcus Butler, Marcus Olin and many more. Your email address will not be published. Who is amazing! Brittany seemed a little nervous. He is 31 years old. According to, 32.5% of TikTok users are between the ages of 10-19. This is a BETA experience. At various moments throughout the film, shots of a cell phone lying on a table are accompanied by audio of the journalists voicemails. Or maybe not the bomber at all, just a guy who looks like the guy the FBI was looking for. The social media star, 48, shocked fans Parents, I cannot stress this enough. Marcus has covered a variety of events, such as the 2021 Capitol Riot, The Ferguson Riots, Hurricane Harvey, an election in France, and several others. Pamela Paul, The Gray Ladys In-House Transphobe, a transgender woman was attacked in Philadelphia on March 20th, an uptick in transgender attacks last year, he doubled down on his demagogic fury with a video, Guerra e pandemia: come arrivano le news sugli schermi dei teenager Red Viper News. Everyone has a bias. It quickly begun to move to more random but funnier duet contributions such as adding limbs that are not shown in frame. In 1987, Mr. Marcus and his brother Roger One sentence, one subject, one story is the most important part of my simplicity strategy, and attribution breaks that. View more posts. Anybody can say just about anything on that platform, and when theres a large group of impressionable eyes and ears taking it in, the consequences can be disastrous. Dakota Meyer, conducts an interview with Marcus DiPaola, a reporter working with NY1, before the beginning of the Tunnel to Towers run in Brooklyn Sept. 29. You made the people of Philly look bad. And its dangerous. many adults, particularly older adults, struggle with evaluating the credibility of news reports. Its impractical to expect an 12-year-old grade 7 student with a learning disability to evaluate the credibility of a news report. I have 11 years of experience as a journalist, so I evaluate the credibility of sources for my audience, include information I find credible and important, and omit information I dont find credible or important. Again, regardless of Marcuss insistence that he makes news for disabled children, his audience is far larger. In an effort to seemingly be more clear and concise, he often ends up spinning stories with a different tone than they often warrant. The unusual angle, with her sitting on his lap and the fact that he did most of the talking inspired it to become one of the biggest memes on TikTok and the rest of the internet. Heres another video I made about teenagers on TikTok. Personal Information His videos have earned him over 3.7 million followers on the platform. Q2 What is Marcus DiPaolas girlfriend's name? Irrespective of who your audience is, this is a deeply irresponsible approach for anyone who claims to report the news. [17][18], Marcus was born in Boston and grew up in China. The only social media network that permits users to take another persons video and transform it into their own original story is TikTok. He has also done a fair share of internships, such as interning with The Trentonian newspaper, News12 New Jersey, Senator Shirley K. Turner, and more. DiPaolas dominance on social media is very evident with over 3.7 million TikTok followers, while on Instagram he has 95k followers, and on his newly created YouTube channel, he has 17k subscribers. Any media source that is showing politics to children of this age needs to be questioned. "It's a creative format for interacting with others' videos, building on existing stories, and creating new and unique content in collaboration with creators across the platform. Marcus DiPaola once gained notoriety when Brittany Bell, his girlfriend, had her introduction video go viral on TikTok. Its a pretty normal video, but TikTok has a mind of its own. If you try and show him that he made an error or some thing was inaccurate he ( MD ) throws a fucking fit. In the viral video, TikTok users turned a video of a man introducing his girlfriend into a fake hostage situation. He occasionally utilizes his platform to communicate his ideas to the public, but more frequently, he informs them of breaking news. Another popular video from April of 2022 reports on a Russian plane that gained over 1 million views. He cannot, by any standard, be called a journalist. The duet-chain was essentially started after a user had made a duet pretending to be Marcus' arm holding a gun off-screen, which led to more users duetting and continuing the joke. Your login session has expired. In the first incarnation of the trend, user @anarchosaladis attaches a clip of a nerf gun being held to Brittany's head, alongside the caption: "Bestie blink twice if you need help.". But DiPaolas hysterical rhetoric suggested that Philly was something out of Frank Millers apocalyptic portrayals of Gotham. marcus.dipaola He has fully immersed himself in TikTok culture in a very short amount of time. Although the video seems quite typical, TikTok has other ideas. WebMarcus DiPaola, 29, freelance journalist with 2.2 million TikTok followers: I knew it was going to be a complete mess ahead of time. The same goes with his editorial decision to not use anyones name, personal titles, organization names, or that his information comes from other news outlets. I do not wear the same shirt two days in a row. He often fails to cite his sources. A large chunk of his earnings come from his previous work with some of the biggest newscasters such as ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, PBS NewsHour, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, New York Times, Bloomberg, Chicago Sun-Times, Business Insider, The Guardian, Forbes, Conde Nast, CNC World, Al Jazeera, Huffington Post, Getty Images, NPR, the Newseum, and RUPTLY. Independent means you work directly for your audience, which is something Ill consider once I have enough Patreon members. You are loved Sunil, they wrote. Lmao why defend someone who lies about news and stares at the camera like a damn cereal killer. The Reddit users were committed, but they didnt have journalistic training, so DiPaola shared a few basic principles in a comment, including whats ethical or unethical to share. 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