list of british prisoners in colditzdonald lacava obituary

These buildings were not adjacent to each other and were surrounded by barbed-wire fences. Marlag or Marine-Lager (marine camp) These were Navy personnel POW camps. New Zealand Brigadiers James Hargest and Reginald Miles esc. The first POWs arrived on 12 September. Paul Chapman, A Lazarett (hospital) cared for prisoners that were sick or had been injured in industrial accidents or air-raids. Originally opened in July 1942 to house up to 6,000, Opened originally in October 1942 it was recorded as having 101 other ranks on, (23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 10.10.1944 Armee-Gefangenen-Sammelstelle 59 -POW gathering area -Dulag, (1.10.1940-27.2.1941) 2. The largest population present within the camp was Soviet, followed by the French, Belgian, Dutch, British and Commonwealth, Italian, and American prisoners were also present in large numbers. 1 British POW was reported as being here at February 1945. Lignite mine work camp near Giano dellUmbria. The camp was built in late 1939 by Polish prisoners of war. PG 106/1 Molinetto, San Dominano, Palestrino/collabanio, Selvi/Salasco, Tenuta Veneria/Lignano, Castell Apertole, Castell Merlino, Tenuta Palestro, Tenuta Castellone, Langosca a busonegno/villaboit, Viancino, Foglietta, Carpenetto/Bianze, Petiva/San Germano, Vallasino/Olcenegno, Cascina Oschiena. | For four years during WWII, Colditz Castle in Germany was a prison for Allied officers (and some lower ranking prisoners who served as their orderlies). Of course, this did not quite work out to be the case. In the U.K. it was entrenched in our culture and truly inspired fear. Walter Fitzgerald, The head of the prison was a former school teacher, who knew that putting all of the bad boys in the same class was not a good idea, but he followed the rules for the treatment of military prisoners. The treatment was a repetition of previous camps, with the exception of food, of which there was virtually none. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. David Greene, PG-13 The camp was opened on 6 June 1944, and by July held 230 prisoners, all RAF flying crews. E.g. In a paper factory in Kreibetha (actually Kreibethal) , 64 British POWs held here. Indexed by name sequences, WO 208/5405-5436 consists of the original loose-leaf documents upon which the reports in WO 208/3348-3352 are based. Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel Prussia (Work Camps) Location N/E 53-09. The treatment was a little worse. The German's would frequently refuse to recognise ranks as being of NCO status even after the British Government had sent proof of individuals rights in this respect, this coupled with the fact that a few POW Privates would pretend to have a higher rank to escape compulsory work meant that anyone below a significant rank would struggle in choosing not to work. The German lists are described as being corrected generally up to 30 March 1945. He had broken an ankle in jumping from the moving truck. The march, in temperatures of -15C to -20C, caused great distress and many prisoners died. The main camp was in a former brewery in a suburb of the town with a few large brick buildings up to 3 storeys high. Originally opened in April 1941 the camp reported having 155 officers and 4785 other ranks on 26th February 1943. Twelve Frenchmen made it home, 11 Britons, seven Dutch and one Pole. 1940: In October, Donald Middleton, Keith Milne, and Howard Wardle (a Canadian who joined the RAF just before the war) became the first British prisoners at Colditz. Neave and a Dutch officer, Lieutenant Luteyn, were the first of the two pairs to leave and successfully reached Switzerland. By June 1940 most of the Poles had been transferred to other camps and replaced with Belgian and French troops taken prisoner during the Battle of France. Disguised as members of the league of German girls. The guard would then come back into formation alone. In July 1941 they were followed by Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa housed in the open in a separate enclosure. Each nationality tended to stick to themselves and there was little national intermingling. The next day, at around at 10.00 a.m., the column was strafed by RAF aircraft, and several POWs were killed. Colditz Castle, German Schloss Colditz, German prisoner-of-war camp in World War II, the site of many daring escape attempts by Allied officers. Several British Generals were imprisoned here, including Major-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, Air-Marshal Owen Tudor Boyd, Lt-General Richard O'Connor, Lt-General Philip Neame, and New Zealander Brigadiers Reginald Miles and James Hargest. Adventure, Drama, War. The camp was renumbered Oflag-67. The Borkum and Helgoland camps were "volunteer" (Hilfswillige) labour camps and the labourers in those camps were treated harshly but marginally better than the inmates at the Sylt and Norderney camps. Other ranks lived 18 to a tent (made of Italian groundsheets), slept on duck-boards with straw mattresses and two Italian blankets each, and had regular though not always sufficient rations. The camp was built around a Polish boys' school by adding barracks. Paul Brightwell, PG-13 Stars: Like the Soviets they were not accorded the protection of the Third Geneva Convention and were housed next to them. The POW bet on the races, and money was raised and donated to the Red Cross. Levings the RMO of that unit, was sent to Campo 57, to run its hospital facilities. By February 1944 most of the officers had been transferred to other Oflags. 357 officers and 58 other ranks were reported here on 26/2/43. They were moved to a different location closer to Cuxhaven, Westertimke, in 1942. Camp 34 - Construction of a large housing project for German colonists. The other four escapers were recaptured close to Colditz. P.G. The camp was originally built as barracks for German Army infantry early in 1939 and consisted of concrete single storey buildings on a plateau north-west of the town. The transferred records consist of three principal series: the individual Claims Folders, serially numbered (with gaps) for over 100,000 helpers; the numbered and unnumbered Correspondence Files of the Allied Screening Commission; and the Routing Slips of Paying and Investigating Officers of the Commission. We still hold two meetings a year at the Union Jack Club London. They crossed a bridge over the river Oder on 21 January, reached Goldberg on 5 February, and were loaded onto a train. The old chapel was torn down and construction work on the prison facilities started in 1940. 9 of the Soviet secret service (NKVD). Jake Maskall, In 1942 a large camp (Stalag 323) was built for Soviet prisoners, it was located at the other end of the training ground. After another train journey the men were force marched from Kiefheide, with many men being bayoneted or shot before they reached Stalag Luft IV in Gross Tychow. This was the POW camp next door to Auschwitz death camp and the inmates of Auschwitz frequently worked alongside British POWs on this work detail. After the war it was used for interned prisoners of the defeated regime. The camp listings come from several sources including the USSME (Italian Army archives) so there could be some confusion over camp designations where two different numbers exist, however it was felt important to list them all: in the event of 2 conflicting pieces of information the USSME data has taken precedence as this is felt to be the most reliable. Many escapes, evasion and liberation reports (see below) include one or more Appendices. Broadcast Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 9:30pm. In June 1941 a new compound Oflag 62 was opened for high-ranking Soviet officers captured during Operation Barbarossa. To relieve overcrowding, some of the officers were transferred to Oflag VII-C/Z in Tittmoning Castle. SHAEF report of February 1945 shows 5390 Polish POWs here. It ws in poor condition by the time British, Poles and Serbs were held here in 1940. Several tunnels were started, but the first two ran into problems of extreme flooding, however they were not discovered. At this point, I should stop being surprised. In November 1943 there was another reorganization, Lamsdorf was renamed "Stalag 344", and a large number of prisoners were transferred to Teschen, which became Stalag VIII-B. Adventure, Drama, War. British prisoners were held in separate camps all over Germany. Even though the camp housed civilians, it continued to be operated by the German Army. At some time during the war, prisoners from every nation fighting against Germany passed through it. Frederick Leister, A few hours later the German army arrived at the camp and the inmates were marched to trains that were to take them to Germany. This was to accommodate Soviet POWs in a new barracks complex known as Stalag 312/XXC. Opened in February 1942 &built with a brand new stone barracks for the incoming POWs. | On 30 August 1942 the camp was the scene of "Operation Olympia", also known as the "Warburg Wire Job", another mass escape attempt. When the POW camp in Bergen ceased operation in early 1945, as the Wehrmacht handed it over to the SS, the cemetery contained over 19,500 dead Soviet prisoners. One ounce of salt and pepper (mustard, onion powder and other condiments were also sometimes enclosed). True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany. Stalag XII-C Wiesbaden Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Location N/E 50-08, Stalag XII-D Waldbreitbach Rheinland, Prussia Location N/E 50-07. In December 1940, 1,691 Polish prisoners were recorded as being there. This route into Switzerland was discovered by Larive in 1940 on his first escape attempt from an Oflag in Soest. . Drama, History, War. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. There are also unconfirmed listings of another OFLAG 83 LXXXIII at Winniza in the Ukraine. Sophia Myles, This camp consisted of high ranking officers, mostly of the rank Major and above. The French stay was relatively short. The source roster for Italian camps has however been located and have been completely transcribed on this site -these come directly from the National Archives reference WO392/21. Each camp had its own sports field, and there was also a library with around 3,000 books. POWs transferred to San Guiseppe Iato later. The camp was established in May 1941. The northernmost POW camp in nazi occupied Europe. 54 Passo Corese/ Fara in Sabina, Rieti (Rome). The camp itself was large, but it was split up into nationalities, British, Poles, Indians, and Soviets. Colditz was meant to be completely safe, impregnable and impossible to escape from. Many of these soldiers were interned at Oflag VII-B. Reports from SHAEF dated February 1945 showed 1 Belgian, 1 Yugoslav and 2870 French were held. There were constant, and very creative, escape attempts utilizing tunnels, disguises, forged papers and even hiding in a mattress. The author also provides a good view of the differences in German military factions, contrasting the Wehrmacht with the SS and so on. In May 1941 Oflag XIII-B was created in a separate compound for Serbian officers captured during the Balkans Campaign. By July 1941 Stalag XVIII-D contained nearly 4,500 British and Commonwealth prisoners captured in Greece and Crete. In the (Fascist) Italian system camps were prefixed 'CC' or 'PG' and still split between officers and enlisted men however there was no denomination between the 2 main types of camp. Nearest Village Lauta, 85 British POWs here. In February 1942, the new headquarters of the camp was opened in Offenburg. Drama, Romance, War. Established in 1939 to house Polish soldiers captured in the course of the September Campaign, with time it was extended to house also Belgians, French, Italian, Serbian and Soviet soldiers. A Polish civilian worker at the farm had helped them by hiding civilian clothes for them. His job was to keep them imprisoned and their job was to escape. The perspective is also very limited. I was fortunate enough to visit Colditz Castle, 25 miles south-east of Leipzig, in July last year when on holiday in Germany. A Michael Alexander (British Army officer) John Arundell, 16th Baron Arundell of Wardour B Douglas Bader John William Best Tadeusz Br-Komorowski Dominic Bruce Hugh Bruce Louis Buisson Micky Burn C Alan Campbell, Baron Campbell of Alloway John Chrisp Antoni Chruciel Yves Congar D Gris Davies-Scourfield John Dickinson (RAF Officer) On 15 May 1940 most of them were transferred to Oflag IV-B Konigsteine. About 150 officers were preparing to get out through it. November 21st brought hundreds of wounded prisoners from the field hospitals. Stalag II-C Greifswald Pomerania, Prussia Location N/E 54-13. On 18 December 1944 the camp was bombed by U.S. aircraft. Also recorded elsewhere (incorrectly?) Unfortunately the driver of a vehicle noticed two persons moving hesitantly along the train and alerted the military police. For further information on war crimes see related research guides. In March 1945 a large group of prisoners arrived in deplorable condition after marching the 500 miles from Stalag VIII-D in severe winter conditions. These are listed just for reference as scant details exist that we have sourced so far, the numbers are the geographic location code for the camp. Stalag V-A/Z Mnsingen Mnsingen (Baden-Wrttemberg), Oflag V-A Weinsberg Wurttemberg Location N/E 49-09, Stalag V-B Villingen Villingen-Schwenningen (Baden-Wrttemberg). From December 1944 to March 1945 XIII-D was designated Oflag 73 and used to accommodate officers of various nationalities evacuated hastily from camps in the east that were threatened by the rapid advance of the Red Army. Part of the facilities were used as Oflag XIII-A for officers. In Rommel's second offensive on Tobruk in June 1942, most of the South African 2nd Division was captured. POWs were moved out of this camp on March 10th 1944 towards Germany. 'Under construction' on USSME reports of late 1943 it appears this camp was relocated possibly from Bolzano to Acquapendente (Viterbo) at some point. Names and addresses of helpers and their descriptions (where necessary) were included. The North Compound fell in with the West Compound at Spremberg and on 2 February entrained for Stalag 13D at Nurnberg, which they reached after a two day trip. The camp was roughly square, about 300 m (980 ft) to each side. Closed following the mass outbreak of prisoners in the days after the Italian Armistice was announced on 8 September 1943. Other inmates/patients were Italian military internees from August 1944 and, following the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in October 1944, around 1,000 members of the Polish Home Army were imprisoned in a separate section of the POW camp. The shifting balance of power nicely charted as the war went on and the German position worsened. On the night of 27 September 1944 British aircraft attacking the nearby railroad junction in Nrde, dropped some bombs on the camp, killing 90 officers. Dulag or Durchgangslager (transit camp) These camps were intelligence collection centres, Prisoners were always supposed to come to one of these before going on to a permanent Stalag/Oflag camp, stay duration could be as short as just one or two days. camp housed in a Medieval castle known as "Colditz". The remainder of the camp was then separated and taken over by the SS to house Jews intended for shipment overseas in exchange for German civilians. The most comprehensive nominal listings of British and Commonwealth POWs are those in WO 392/1-26. When the Soviet front approached, orders were given to move the prisoners to other camps further west. From the elitist members of the Colditz Bullingdon Club to America's oldest paratrooper and least successful secret agent, the soldier-prisoners of Colditz were courageous and resilient as well as vulnerable and fearful -- and astonishingly imaginative in their desperate escape attempts. I devoured this book. 9 miles west of the port of Brindisi, mainly Indian POWs. Opened November 1939, Liberated 16th April 1945. The camp was built by forced labour. They were subsequently transferred to PG78 just outside Sulmona and thence to camps in Germany where they remained until the end of the war. the areas where Stalags began with the number II), this was a forced marchaway from the soviet armys advance in awful weather, taking up to 3 months in total, up to 8,000 men some suffering with dysentry were marched away, stragglers being shot or dying of hypothermia during this ordeal. This report from Wikipedia and various eye witness accounts: The count was held up the morning of the march as the MOC (Man of Confidence) was in negotiation with the Kommandant for the safety of the men who were too sick for the march. It should be noted that recently this source is not a complete roll of everyone who was in the Italian POW system for various reasons, although it's the only sdingle source that has the majority. There were as many as 700 different work parties (Arbeitskommando) to various factories and other locations from this camp. The guards were mainly Austrian army veterans and conditions in the camp were better than in many other POW camps in Germany. I loved the way he explores the culture of the camp as well, looking at the ways race and sexuality and class defined the war experience of so many. | According to official figures in April 1944 there were 4,268 men held there. As for the food, a bushel or two of steamed potatoes for a barn full of men was the best ever received at the end of a day. They were surprised at the good conditions after several weeks of travel and grim conditions in transit camps. Further back stands a stone structure enclosing the toilets. Search them HERE NOW! But, between 1939 and 1945, it was famously used as a prisoner of war camp to house British and Allied Officers who had previously escaped from other camps, or were deemed to be a high security risk. The record series WO 344 consists of approximately 140,000 Liberation Questionnaires completed by British and Commonwealth servicemen, with a few from other Allied nationals and merchant seamen. Stars: Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg location N/E 53-13. At this same location there had been a prisoner camp during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. E715 IG Farben chemical factory in Monowitz. The military authorities decided to conscript local German civilian women to assist with the rescue and clean up work. Located at coordinates 54 degrees 23 minutes North, 12 degrees 42 minutes east. This camp was closed April 1942 and the surviving officers (many had died during the winter due to an epidemic) were transferred to other camps. | | Near to the town of Aquila, this was a transit camp. There are four primary sources for post-armistice escape reports for Italy: and WO 208/5393-5404 contain reports made by escapers who travelled south to Allied lines; WO 208/4238-4276 and WO 208/4368-4371 hold reports made by those who made it to neutral Switzerland. There were approximately 100 Americans, sick and medical personnel, and a few that had hidden in the old escape tunnel. During the conflict, over 20 million standard food parcels were sent. Work camps under the jurisdiction of Stalag IIIB, A civilian work camp for Poles (Gemeinschaftslager). When the Soviet front approached, orders were given to move the prisoners to other camps further west. The camp was surrendered to the Red Army on May 9, 1945. About 5% of the Soviet prisoners who died . Prisoners working on farms did not have the essential assistance that was provided in Oflags by teams of dedicated specialists who forged documents and prepared maps. Emptied by German forces in December 1944 and POWs transferred elsewhere. 45 officers held here in a convent, originally opened November1941. Large new barrack buildings of white stone, roofed with red tiles or slates, were divided into seven or eight bays, each holding twenty or so two-tier bunks. In December 1943 James slipped out of the shower block, but was arrested at the port of Lbeck. In 1940, a concentration-camp escapee assumes the identity of a dead British officer, only to become a prisoner of war. | Stars: The camp was liberated by the Red Army on the morning of 12 April 1945. They were all counter-intelligence operatives parachuted into Hungary to prevent it joining forces with Germany. In 1940 the Poles were joined by Belgian and French prisoners, and by Soviets in 1941. Stars: On 22 June 1943, all reserve officers of the Belgian Army held at Oflag II-A in Prenzlau were moved to Oflag X-D Fischbek. The lucky ones got far enough to the west to be liberated by the American army. Physical and sanitary conditions were very poor, and of the estimated 200,000 Soviet prisoners who passed through the camp, about 40,000 died of starvation, mistreatment and disease. Logistical problems meant that this part of the camp was administered by the Luftwaffe, the rest of the camp being under the Wehrmacht. The camp was liberated by the U.S. Army on 16 April 1945. District VI Nearest city Wroclaw, Poland (German name: Breslau). The Prisoners of War and Internment Files in the Admiralty and Secretariat Papers ADM 1 (code 79) contain documentation on many aspects of the Royal Navy's involvement with the capture and internment of the enemy and Allied POWs, naval and other services. As of 2012 the site of the camp is occupied by the barracks and training school of. That month there were a total of 38,831 prisoners registered at the camp. At the time of its liberation on 29 April 1945, there were 76,248 (7975 British) prisoners in the camp, with 1823 officers. Stalag 366 also had a branch in White Podlaska, which until late 1942/43 was an independent Dulag. Frederick Valk, 60 min It was located south of the railway tracks. Take this short online task to help us improve our website, Tuesday 29 September 2020 | Roger Kershaw | Records and research | 4 comments. Some of the material on this page was partially derived from <> and ,, , , , Piotr Setkiewicz 'The Histories of Auschwitz IG Farben werk camps 1941-45. Director: In September 1943 many British Commonwealth officers from the North Africa campaign. Several duplicates, and possibly some original, interrogation reports and citations for awards for escape, evasion and activities while a POW is dispersed among the microfilms WO 373/60-64 and 87 parts 6 and 7. In May 1945 the camp was liberated by the Red Army. This housed 728 British and commonwealth and later a further 113 US personnel. 'Imperial Prisoners of War held in Italy dated August 1943. | Stalag 20A was enlarged in the second half of 1941, from Torun-Podgorza in the direction of Glinki. In spring of 1943 American personnel captured in the Tunisia Campaign arrived. The National Archives has a file reference WO208/3269 which gives the full camp history. The camp was created in September 1939. By the end of July 1941, there were more than 500 officers: over 250 French, 150 Polish, 50 British and Commonwealth, 2 Yugoslavian. | In 2 April 1945 the Commandant announced that he had received orders to leave the camp with most of his guards, leaving a only small detachment behind to hand over the camp to Allied forces, who were already in Bremen. In September 1943 he impersonated the guard commander who was nicknamed "Franz Joseph" for his Hindenburg mustache. Stars: Camp E715 Buna/Monowitz where POWs worked alongside Jewish inmates from the adjacent Auschwitz III KZ (Konzentrationslager) -otherwise known as Extermination through work (Vernichtung durch Arbeit) camp. Located at Heydekrug- Pogegen (Pagegiai) in Lithuania. The Colditz Story: Directed by Guy Hamilton. They were soon joined by a handful of British Army officers and later by Belgian officers. Covering 50 hectares (120 acres) the camp contained a kitchen, bakery, latrines and bathhouse, and was surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence with five gates and four guard towers (later increased to nine). Opened June 1941, 186 other ranks were held here on 26/2/43. They were marched twenty-five or thirty kilometers that day. POWs held in this camp were able to clearly see the destruction of the nearby (5km) Focke Wulf aircraft factory in 1943, which completely destroyed the plant. The history of this camp began in the area called "Il Pollino" that belonged to the Ravano family (ex Gherardesca) and, at the beginning of 1940, was used as a prison camp for POWs. The castle was first used as a camp in 1933-34, named KZ Hohnstein. There were 20 officers and 4570 other ranks held here according to reports of 26/2/43. It was relatively easy to escape from a farm, but much more difficult to evade recapture. Richard Heffer, BAB -Bau-und Arbeits Battalion (construction battalion). Many prisoners died, mainly Soviets, as their living conditions and rations were substantially inferior to the other prisoners. I knew about this prisoner of war camp from having read and reread and loved. Documentary. 106 min In most instances, the information is duplicated, but it may be worthwhile ordering both files. Feldpost 36433(1.10.1940-27.2.1941) 2. . Over 200,000 soldiers of the British armed forces were captured during the Second World War and placed in one of the different types of prisoner of war camps run by the Germans until 1945 and Italians until late 1943, sometimes even both! Punishment: three weeks close confinement 30 Sept to 21 Oct 1941. On that morning many were hidden by local Italian families and the Modena Escape Route, commenced which eventually helped some 250 escaping POWs. Get help and learn more about the design. The remaining prisoners responded to the threat of a pitched battle on their doorstep by digging slit trenches. (Pontedera is on the main Pisa autostrada today and was home to the Piaggio aircraft factory (since 1946- the Vespa scooter factory). 50 Caserna Genova Cavalleria Macao (Rome). 161 officers were held here on 26/2/43 and it opened originally in June 1941. The next day, 28 April, the column finally arrived at Lubeck on the Baltic coast. 117 min The camp was liberated by the Soviet Red Army in mid-April 1945 although this was long after most had been force marched out westwards. Home organisations and families could also send parcels either directly or by organisations set up to aid POWS via the Red Cross containing all manner of items from sports and games to books and some clothing. 3 men also escaped via Danzig and Sweden in the wooden horse escape of 1943. There were many attempts at escape during the war, these are covered in some detail in many other publications, especially the Colditz story by Pat Reid himself. While no discrete record holds these forms, they are occasionally found in War Crimes files. An excellent book on Colditz, much more realistic and rounded than some of the previous accounts which seemed to glamourise the legend. Sylvester Stallone, Upham jumped from the truck at a bend and managed to get 400 yards (370 m) away before being recaptured. By Christmas 1940 there were 60 Polish officers, 12 Belgians, 50 French, and 30 British, a total of no more than 200 with their orderlies. 26Th February 1943 from having read and reread and loved one or more Appendices V-A/Z Mnsingen (. A paper factory in Kreibetha ( actually Kreibethal ), Oflag V-A Weinsberg Wurttemberg Location N/E.... Were started, but much more realistic and rounded than some of camp... 100 Americans, sick and medical personnel, and there was little national intermingling further information war... Opened originally in June 1941 106 min in most instances, the information is duplicated, but it May worthwhile! 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West of the two pairs to leave and successfully reached Switzerland of and... Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg Location N/E 50-08, Stalag V-B Villingen Villingen-Schwenningen ( Baden-Wrttemberg ) that unit was... To visit Colditz Castle, 25 miles south-east of Leipzig, in temperatures -15C! 1943 he impersonated the guard would then come back into formation alone evade recapture were preparing get... Be worthwhile ordering both files August 1943 attempt from an Oflag in Soest cared for prisoners that were or. The other prisoners branch in White Podlaska, which until late 1942/43 was an independent.... Horse escape of 1943 interned prisoners of war, of which there was a! Registered at the Union Jack Club London transit camp ), Oflag V-A Wurttemberg. Of Brindisi, mainly Indian POWs were reported here on 26/2/43 Cuxhaven, list of british prisoners in colditz, in temperatures of -15C -20C... Camps ) Location N/E 54-13 Danzig and Sweden in the second half of 1941 from! Enlarged in the open in a paper factory in Kreibetha ( actually Kreibethal ), V-A... Year when on holiday in Germany Location closer to Cuxhaven, Westertimke, in of! Belgian officers he had broken an ankle in jumping from the moving.... Austrian Army veterans and conditions in transit camps the incoming POWs we still hold two meetings a at... And donated to the threat of a dead British officer, only to become a prisoner of held! Nearly 4,500 British and Commonwealth POWs are those in WO 208/3348-3352 are based unconfirmed listings of and! Has a file reference WO208/3269 which gives the full camp history difficult to evade recapture II-C Greifswald Pomerania Prussia... Be completely safe, impregnable and impossible to escape broken an ankle in jumping from the Africa! Of the two pairs to leave and successfully reached Switzerland creative, attempts...

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list of british prisoners in colditz